
Advising sessions offered Monday - Thursday are available in person or via Zoom. A Zoom appointment is set up for all students, but if you prefer an in-person appointment just come to the office.

On Fridays, ONLY ZOOM is available as the physical office is closed. You will receive Zoom appointment information within a day or two after scheduling the appointment.   

Available Advisors

Mieke (Mee-Kah) Karth

As an international student from South Africa, Mieke knows what it's like to live in another country for an extended period of time and how to prepare for it. Mieke is a senior at EMU in pursuit of a Bachelor of Science degree in General Psychology with a minor in General Business. She has traveled to Germany and France, as well as within the USA, including New York, New Jersey, Ohio, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Kentucky, Nevada, Illinois, Georgia and Florida.

Kristen Krug-Shaffer

Kristen is the manager of program development for Academic Travel Programs. Schedule an appointment with her if you have questions about specific semester/year as well as faculty-led programs. She has traveled to Argentina, Bahamas, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, England, France, Iceland, Italy, Japan (including Okinawa), Mexico, Puerto Rico, and South Korea.  

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